Jersey Boys Rocks Ottawa!
June 28th, 2013Patrick Langston of The Ottawa Citizen states that Jersey Boys offers a smart, strong production. Here’s a snapshot of his review:
Refreshingly, that story is also the show’s focal point. Musicals typically make the songs the focus, the storyline a kind of gauzy device to get from one tune to the next. In Jersey Boys, as in the men’s actual life, the music is part of a larger fabric of ambition, rivalries, love and the personal toll that stardom takes.Jersey Boys really hits its stride when the foursome, resplendent in red jackets, fire up Sherry, followed quickly – with costume changes, stasis being anathema to both the show and this production – by their next two big hits: Big Girls Don’t Cry and Walk Like a Man. Up to that point, it’s the long struggle of a group searching for an identity and a sound of its own.
Click HERE to read the entire review.