More Fantastic Ft. Lauderdale Jersey Boys First Natl Tour Reviews!
January 19th, 2012Ft. Lauderdale loves THE BOYS! Check out excerpts from the two latest rave reviews for JB at the Broward Center:
Roger Martin, Good heavens, what are you going to say when you see a show in which everything is as good as or better than you expected? How about, “Fabulous, darlingâ€. “Terrific.†“Truly professional.â€
The list could be pretty much endless. If you’re talking about Jersey Boys at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, that is. Click HERE to read the entire review.
Phyllis Green, ENV Magazine: But it wasn’t just the songs; the story of the highs and lows of traveling on the road, the accusations, getting along with each other, plus their own personal lives, interwoven through compelling narratives told by each of the principals, created a plot that held together in riveting fashion. The highlighted scene for this writer comes late in the first act when Frankie and his wife cannot stay together; she exits up the small circular staircase, leaving him alone on the stage to chant the lilting “My Eyes Adored Youâ€. Ciick HERE for the full review.
I attended the 1/24/2012 performance at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts and the show was excellent. Thank you Jersey Boys! As a side note my home town is also Bergenfield, NJ. Bob G. was only 2 years older than me…interesting to learn a great celeb shared my hometown!
Comment by Evan Golieb from NJ — January 25, 2012 @ 12:48 am