May 12, 2011

Preview of Matt Bailey’s Interview!

May 12th, 2011

Lynn Venhaus has a terrific interview with JERSEY BOYS national tour’s Tommy DeVito, Matt Bailey, who talks about touring with the show for over three years, the perks of the road, and what keeps him so enthusiastic after such a long time with one show! Check out a sneak peek:

“I don’t know anyone who is not blown away by it. We keep it fresh in every city because the feedback is positive. The energy is high wherever we go,” he said during a phone interview from Minnesota. Bailey has performed in 35 cities.

“It’s just a wonderful show. It’s really fun, and I essentially get to be a rock star every night! There is an energy to it that is really unparalled to any other show. We get to talk to the audience and interact with them, develop a real rapport,” he said. “It’s really a blessing to be part of something like this.”

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