The Jersey Babys Story–According to Bob Gaudio
June 22nd, 2008Danielle Gaudio-Lalehzar, the Executive Producer of “Jersey Babys,” came up with the amazing idea of turning The Four Seasons classic hits into sparkling, soothing, and catchy instrumental tracks that appeal not to just kids–but to all generations!
Her dad, Bob Gaudio, served as co-producer and co-arranger on this sensational creation and her brother Shannon was artistic director of the package. Bob tells the story of how he became involved with “Jersey Babys”:
I have a confession to make. I did not conceive “Jersey Babys.” That was the brainchild of my daughter Danielle. I did, however, help conceive her. Which gives her a lifetime all-access pass. And, as any father knows, it’s always best to pay attention when she’s excited about something. And Danielle was very excited about this project. So I did what any dad would do – ‘after some serious badgering,’ I said, “Go ahead, knock yourself out.”
Visit to read the rest of Bob’s special message.
The future generations are what keeps the past generations alive. The JERSEY BABYS cd was a great idea.
Comment by Beth L. — June 22, 2008 @ 10:29 pm
After seeing the show, I googled Four Seasons, came upon the Jersey Babys website and ordered two cd’s. My children became instant fans. As many of us know, kids will play movies and music over and over and over…just like Frankie’s Energizer bunny until finally someone conveniently misplaces it in the back of the 3rd drawer of the china closet behind your great grandmothers hand embroidered table linens that have never been and will never be used. Jersey Babys has been playing for over two months in my home and I haven’t grown tired of it, infact the more I hear it the more I appreciate it, you can hear the love that went into making this cd. I had the pleasure of running into Mr. Gaudio and was very impressed with his countenance and humility. I’ve also had the pleasure of conversation with Danielle Lalehzar and can see that both those qualities were inherited…along with a whole lot of talent and ingenuity! I play the Jersey Babys cd for three reasons, 1) to set a positive tone and upbeat energy during the day, 2) to sooth my children when it’s time for bed, and 3) in the backround when friends are over for cocktails! What a conversation starter! I hope the Gaudio’s will find more family projects in the music and art media and I look forward the success of their future endeavours!
Comment by Maria S. — June 23, 2008 @ 9:27 pm