Four Seasons…Four Tours? Let’s Make it FIVE!
March 17th, 2009By Audrey Rockman, JBB Correspondent
Well…there were the original Four Seasons and then there were — more! In 2008, the inaugural Old Neighborhood Tours began with excursions in each of the year-round seasons – the first in February, then a Memorial Day tour, followed by a warm July outing and the fourth – on a beautiful November day.
Back by popular demand, there will be another tour on Sunday, March 22 with two never-before featured homes of Frankie’s and coming with us – special tour participant – Patti Massi-Candeliere! With Patti onboard, we’ll be including an additional home of the Massi family from the 60’s, as well as a recently-identified, former address of longtime Seasons’ member, Joe Long.
I recently talked with legendary radio host, Joe Franklin about the scope of the tours. Each outing has the basic sites – but with different spins every time. For more information on future tours, email: [email protected].
what a pleasure it will be to have an original 4-seasons family member (patti) on the tour, we had bob massi at a past tour also, maybe in the future you can get danielle gaudio, toni valli and darcell devito …… see you this sunday at yesterdays treasures in union……….
Comment by jim petrecca — March 17, 2009 @ 11:50 pm
Its sound great, Audrey!! Hope
everyone has FUN!!
Comment by sharon wardlow — March 18, 2009 @ 6:12 am