Daniel Reichard Shines at His ‘Christmas in Black and White’ Concert!
December 20th, 2007Photos courtesy of Peter James Zielinski at BroadwayWorld.com. For more of Peter’s photos, visit www.pjzstudios.com.
By Audrey Rockman, Jersey Boys Blog Special Correspondent
Daniel was relaxed, yet dynamic and a real gift during this holiday season- throughout his Christmas in Black & White show at the Metropolitan Room. He looked sharp, maintaining the evening’s theme in his black jacket and white tie. His comic timing was perfect; such a showman in front of a packed house. There were stories of Christmas as the eighth of nine children and how, at one time, his parents handled the sold out status of his must-have gift. He spoke about life during the recent strike and the rare chance for a champagne Sunday brunch, all with a very humorous angle.
A duet featuring Amy Wren and Robb Sapp and interspersed comedic moments with audience-plant Kelly Kinsella molded a full holiday package. It was tied together with the instrumental talents of Peter Sachon on cello, Christian Hebel on violin (featured in Youtube clip of “We Three Kings”), Ed Matthew handling double duty on the clarinet and flute and our own JB regular, Steve Gibb on guitar with an amazing stint on the harmonica, as well. Steve wasn’t the only Jersey Boy talent in attendance. Michael Longoria, Donnie Kehr, Mark Lotito, Peter Gregus and Dominic Nolfi also had the chance to relax in the audience for a change.
The musical talent that packed the show was coordinated by Musical Director and pianist, Eric Svejcar. Opening with “White Christmas,” there was the favorite, “Moon River,” from last year’s show, as well as holiday classics like “We Three Kings” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” (Youtube available). Although the hour flew by, we had the greetings at the door to look forward to; and for those of us who have made a hobby of enjoying Daniel’s talents, there was chat about the path ‘over the river and through the woods’ to follow Daniel in the coming year, beginning with a benefit concert of the new musical Alive in the World on Monday and Tuesday, January 13, 14 at The Zipper Factory followed by “Candide” in April.
It was a wonderful evening. As I told Daniel afterwards, there was no where I would have rather been that night than right there in his audience. I dare say the room was packed with people, like Lucy who flew up from Texas, who felt the same, as well as countless people who could be there only in spirit.
Another great review, Audrey. Once again, your talents allow those of us who couldn’t be there the chance to feel like we were.
Comment by Gary — December 20, 2007 @ 12:34 am
Thank you Audrey for the wonderful review. What a fablous time had by all…..I know for a fact Lucy had a BLAST!! Wish I could have been there.
Comment by Charly — December 20, 2007 @ 4:13 am
Daniel, Again, wish I could have been there to see you and Amy!! I’m sure it was a wonderful evening. Happy Holidays and see you on the 6th!
Comment by WANDA — December 20, 2007 @ 8:56 am
Great review Audrey! Daniel was wonderful that night. I’m so glad Jen and I went, thanks again. It was so good to sit with you and (Kelly)
. Jody
Comment by Jody Cardillo — December 20, 2007 @ 9:55 am
Thanks for the summary and the clips, Audrey; nice coverage. I’m on the road this week for work and couldn’t make it either. I love how impeccably Daniel is dressed; seeing that alone (not to mention his incredible talent) would have been worth the price of admission!!
Comment by Howard Tucker — December 20, 2007 @ 10:28 am
Thanks folks. Daniel gave a wonderful show. As my friend David concurs, Daniel’s voice- whether he’s singing or speaking- grabs you and doesn’t let go.
I was determined to just sit and enjoy his talent instead of taking the copious notes that I need to write something up, but then…I got home and couldn’t resist. (The video and friends (!) were more important so I initially made those the priority. Sorry I didn’t include more specifics like Howard would have.)
I want to add that Daniel’s brother Michael, who has been at, and IN, some of his shows, as well as Libby Reichard, were also there Monday evening. (Maybe we can get them or Joey to talk Daniel into reviving his ‘Glory Daze’ show from the summer of ’06. Don’t miss that one if he does do it again!)
The only downside of Daniel’s shows is… that the evening has to come to an end; but then there’s always next year and the many years after.
Comment by Audrey — December 20, 2007 @ 3:10 pm
I too want to thank you for bringing this to those who couldn’t attend. I have tickets to see Daniel in Jersey Boys on January 6th just before he leaves. I also have tickets to see him in Candide in April. He has such an amazing voice and his performances are always captivating. In addition, his stories are also entertaining and funny.
Comment by Beverley Micciche — December 20, 2007 @ 6:54 pm
Daniel really does have a beautiful voice!
Comment by Jan Haas — December 20, 2007 @ 7:41 pm
daniel was wonderful. by far it was the best show i was at. i really enjoyed how personal he got. and the paper snow that fell on his head was the best. haha
Comment by liz skorski — December 20, 2007 @ 11:19 pm
Oh I’d almost forgotten the paper snow
So cute.
It was indeed a lovely evening and Daniel’s beautiful and soothing voice is perfect for Christmas songs!! I’m so blessed to have been able to travel from Texas for this and Danny couldn’t have been more gracious, too. I can’t wait until his next cabaret show (and Candide, of course). This Texas girl is acquiring some great frequent flyer miles
Comment by Lucy — December 21, 2007 @ 12:41 am