Talks to JLY
August 26th,’s Michael F. Shaughnessy talked to Tony Award-winner John Lloyd Young about his success of playing the role of Frankie Valli on Broadway, and the role that the school library, teachers, mentors and LEARNING has had in his life.
Here’s a bit of what JLY had to say:
Q: How has your education prepared you to take the lead in a Broadway show?
JLY: My education didn’t teach me so much how to do things as it taught me how to go about LEARNING to do things. I was surrounded by very capable and highly individualistic students in high school and at Brown University, where I went to college, and I really think that in the ideal educational environment, you learn from not only the teachers, but from each other. You put a lot of highly motivated self-starters in a room together and great things happen. You emerge from an environment like that with the expectation that great things should happen for you and your peers and you have a foundation for how to go out into the world and whip your goals into submission. My education really gave me the confidence to shoot for the moon, so when I seized the role of Frankie Valli and it was mine, I already had the confidence and experience to do what was necessary to make the most out of it.