Jennifer Naimo Announces Her Final Show with Jersey Boys
March 2nd, 2008
Photo courtesy of Audrey Rockman.
This is another tough one to report on JB Blog! On her blog today, Jennifer Naimo has announced that she will play her final Jersey Boys performance on Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008.
As you all know, Jennifer created the unforgettable role of Mary Delgado at La Jolla Playhouse and brought Mary (and so many other roles) to life on the Broadway stage!
Getting to know Jennifer over the past two and a half years has been one of the most wonderful experiences of running Jersey Boys Blog! We wish Jennifer all the best as she begins her new journey after Jersey Boys!!
So special; so talented; so warm; so humble; so dear. The list goes on. Me: So lucky to have seen you perform 5 times as Mary Delgado. Best always to you and your family.
Comment by LindaL — March 2, 2008 @ 2:45 pm
All the Best to you Jennifer Naimo…now & always!
Comment by NewJerseyLasagna — March 2, 2008 @ 2:51 pm
All the Best Jen, because you are the BEST!!!!!
Comment by Jody Cardillo — March 2, 2008 @ 4:27 pm
Jen, you gave me this bittersweet news last night at the show, and on the way home, two phrases were spinning in my head: “All good things must end someday”, from Chad & Jeremy’s “A Summer Song”, and that oft-used cliche “better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.”
Jennifer, those quotes are normally applied to romances, but are appropriate to the “romance” you’ve had with your fans over the last three years. We’ve all heard about establishing “boundaries” with our stars. No one has ever had to stand on ceremonies with you: you’ve acknowledged e-mails, you’ve attended the fans’ brunches, you’ve thanked people over and over for coming to your amazing cabaret shows, and you’ve ask us about our lives, caring about each and every one of us. Just last week, as I was waiting for fellow-fan David Cace for dinner, you saw me alone and joined me for a drink until David arried.
Your originating the role of Mary Delgado is something you’ll have for the rest of your career. You took us all on a wonderful journey of emotions, from the humor of “Valli with an i” to the poignancy of your joining Frankie on “My Eyes Adored You”.
Jen, it’ll be strange on March 24 to realize you’re no longer Mary Delgado, at least not for now. But I believe I stand alongside your loving castmates and my fellow fans in telling you that “Jersey Boys” and Broadway are much better places thanks to your talent. Thank you for giving all of us so much joy.
Comment by Howard Tucker — March 2, 2008 @ 5:04 pm
Please Don’t Go!
I can’t believe it. “Why does everyone leave”
Jenn you will be missed. Joe and I are very sad to read this today.
I will see you in a couple of weeks at the theatre.
All The Best
Damaris & Joe Dugan
Comment by Damaris Dugan — March 2, 2008 @ 5:06 pm
Howard, Again, that was beautiful..BRAVO!!!
Comment by Jody Cardillo — March 2, 2008 @ 5:53 pm
As always Jenn, Howard says it for all of us. You will alway be Mary Delgado to me. Hopefully you can spend more time with your hubby now. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.
Comment by gail drouillard — March 2, 2008 @ 6:54 pm
Yeah, Jen, why does everybody leave??? You’re the best, we’ve all be truly blessed. I, for one, in many, many ways for knowing you. Never say “good-bye” but “so long for now”, for just a short time! Love ya, Wanda
Comment by Wanda — March 2, 2008 @ 9:16 pm
Jen–all the best as you begin the next chapter in your life. You will be missed. Sharon
Comment by Sharon — March 2, 2008 @ 10:02 pm
I don’t think anyone can say it any better than Howard did….and I don’t think he would mind me to copy it here for all your fans, family , friends, & castmates to read again….”I stand alongside your loving castmates and my fellow fans in telling you that “Jersey Boys†and Broadway are much better places thanks to your talent. Thank you for giving all of us so much joy.”
Howard…as always, you had the perfect words to decribe our feelings towards this fabulous lady.
Jen all of our love always,
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo…………………… and it goes on & on.
Love ya,
Stacey, Pete, Diana & Peter
Comment by Stacey — March 2, 2008 @ 10:30 pm
You are one in a million, my friend, and will be missed onstage and off, more than words can express. Thank you for your unique joy, laughter,kindness, and heart. It has been a blessing getting to know you.
Comment by Pamela — March 2, 2008 @ 10:43 pm
To Sweet Jennifer: Thank you so much for the experience of “Mary.” My son (a typical 12 year old) laughs hysterically each and every time your “Valli” line plays on our continuously play JB CD. To him, nothing could be funnier, but we all know how your entire performance will always be remembered as nothing less than superb. You will always be our “Mary.” Thanks for the memories. You are about to play the role of a lifetime. My prayers to you and Tim as you begin your journey into parenthood. This child is already specially blessed to have both of you. Enjoy every minute of it — there is no greater love than that of a mother. God Bless and thanks for all the smiles, laugher and at times poingnant tears.
Comment by GRACE — March 3, 2008 @ 8:06 am
Jennifer ~
I’ve enjoyed seeing you more and more at each performance! You have paved the way for a great role and may this be one of many successful career highlights! Thanks for all that you gave and all that you are! May you get everything you want out of life for you and your family. Bright blessings!
Comment by Dina — March 3, 2008 @ 9:22 am
You will be so missed, Jen. May the MOST that Tim and you wish for in your lives be the least that you receive. God Bless you. Keep in touch. IE
Comment by irene eizen — March 3, 2008 @ 10:42 am
Comment by JENNIFER — March 3, 2008 @ 10:50 am
Jennifer, you have starred as the Matriarch to the Jersey Boys family of fans. You were perfectly cast for that role, as you were perfectly cast for Mary Delgado. Now, another perfect casting for a different and very exciting type of Matriarch.
I thank you for your constant warmth and talent- and will miss your sincerity and energy here on the east coast. All the best & fond wishes in the future to you and your family!
Comment by Audrey — March 3, 2008 @ 10:51 am
Hi Jenn,
Now I understand why you’re leaving JB when I read your blog last night.
Joe and I wish you all the best. Thanks for always taking the time out to chat with Joe and I at the stage door on those cold and windy nights. You always showed us kindness and made us laugh. We will miss you so much.
Take Care Jenn and we will see you in a couple of weeks at the theatre.
All the Best!
Damaris & Joe Dugan
Comment by Damaris Dugan — March 3, 2008 @ 8:21 pm
Jennifer, you brought me to tears last Monday night, when you sang “The Prayer” with Travis. I’ve heard you sing before, and your duets with Frankie were always touching, but on Monday, it wasn’t just the vocals… you sounded inspired as well. I hope your prayers, and the dreams you’ve imagined with Tim for a family, are answered. You have given so much of yourself to your friends and fans…we appreciate your loyalty … your kindness…your talent…and your smile. God bless you. Lulu
Comment by LuluThompson — March 3, 2008 @ 11:55 pm