Jersey Boys Powerful at Playhouse Square!
June 27th, 2011Another rave review has been posted about the JERSEY BOYS national tour’s return to Cleveland! Check out a preview to Bob Abelman’s write-up in the News-Herald:
So effective is the illusion of experiencing the actual, 1960s’ version of The Four Seasons — the New Jersey-based boy band that dominated the airwaves with its distinctive three-octave doo-wop harmonies — that each musical number is met by two waves of ovation.
The first is the polite appreciation given to any good theatrical performance. Just as the applause tapers, however, a second wave organically ascends — a louder, longer and more raucous aftershock—as if the audience is paying homage to the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers themselves and not the actors playing them.
It could be heard during the show’s first visit to PlayhouseSquare three years ago and it can be heard now, during the show’s return engagement.
This isn’t just the response of an older generation reclaiming its birthright. And it isn’t just that inner-teen bursting through decades of adulthood-induced hibernation for one last hurrah in the safe company of like-minded peers. This is the result of a carefully orchestrated, well-honed piece of musical theater that taps and masterfully replicates that birthright, jolts that inner-teen awake and to the forefront, and then pushes all the right buttons at all the right times.
Visit to read the full review.