December 28, 2015

Jersey Boys (@JerseyBoysInfo) Recently Celebrated 4,200th Performance on Broadway!

December 28th, 2015


Sorry for our JBB delays over the holidays! The road is the road & we were stuck with no Internet access!

We missed an exciting milestone while away! On December 23, 2015, JERSEY BOYS celebrated their 4,200th performance on Broadway!

Congratulations to JERSEY BOYS cast, crew, and creative team on the latest milestone!


  1. We missed you while you were on the road, but fortunately there’ll be MANY more milestones ahead, so no worries. Congratulations to the Broadway cast & crew!

    Comment by Audrey Rockman — December 30, 2015 @ 11:33 pm

  2. Wow, been watching Frankie’s Interview and one Ytube song after another.. Time to wish a fabulous Group, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons A HAPPY NEW YEAR???? To a big and Wonderful..
    A fan. Loved Jersey Boys on state Gammage – AZ

    Comment by Suzanne Parlavecchio — January 2, 2016 @ 6:38 pm

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