July 26, 2012

More Rave Reviews for the Return Engagement of Jersey Boys in Denver!

July 26th, 2012

The JERSEY BOYS second national tour gets more rave reviews in Denver! Check out the latest:

Lisa Kennedy, DenverPost.com: This return engagement at the Buell Theatre (through Aug. 11) has an appealing cast. Kappus’ turn as Gaudio has its zenith in the innocent’s initiation to the road in “December ’63.” Brandon Andrus portrays Nick Massi, who comes to the fore in fall. Brad Weinstock delivers Valli’s youth, growth — as well as those crazy high notes. The night I saw the play, understudy Michelle Pruiett played Valli’s first wife, Mary (named Delgado for the production), whose dialogue gives the show a blue streak worthy of Tony Soprano.

Amy Hill, AskMissA.com: Feast your eyes on golden boy Brad Weinstock as the lead (Frankie Valli), who not only fits the bill in appearance, but is Jersey bred, born and raised! Weinstock hits the quirky high notes in pure Valli fashion, with an impressive range and charming sensibility that will make you believe. Musical numbers such as “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Walk Like a Man” and “Bye Bye Baby” are classics that you won’t be able to shake once leaving your seat.

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