Photo Coverage of Another ‘East Meets West’ Jersey Boys’ Meeting!
September 12th, 2007Through the JBB Bulletin Board, Wanda Libardi from Massachusetts met Linda Lipsuis from California, and they discovered that they were both going to Daniel’s Summer Mix Tape on Friday night at Joe’s Pub! Thank you to Wanda for sharing photos of her fun weekend at Daniel’s show with Linda, along with her great pics of Jennifer Naimo!
Hey Linda,
What a great time we had!! It was so great to meet you and I am so looking forward to getting together again……soon I hope! Daniel was amazing!!
Comment by Wanda — September 13, 2007 @ 1:37 pm
I’m totally glad to see the fans from all four corners getting together to support the cast! I’m glad to have watched this great play where the fan base is diehard and passionate about the story and actors that portray the Four Seasons.
Now since Irene Eizen and friends in NY had the first meeting at the August Wilson, hopefully it sparked a trend and I’m happy to have been part of a meeting between Jersey Boys fans from geographically different regions!
Comment by Mike B. Magbaleta — September 13, 2007 @ 3:04 pm
Mike: I agree, meeting the other fans makes the Jersey Boys experience more enjoyable. I had such a good time with Wanda at Daniel’s concert and then got to meet Audrey, Howard and Gary the next night at the Cabaret Cares function. It made my trip so special!! Wanda, thanks again for eveything. I’ll know we’ll be meeting again someday!!
Comment by Linda — September 13, 2007 @ 3:59 pm
Ditto on meeting fellow fans. I missed this performance, sadly!, but enjoyed meeting Audrey, Howard, Beverly, Charlie, Doreen and John last month at “Journey to Jersey Boys.” Thanks for all the photos, Wanda! Hope to see you at a JB event sometime!
Comment by LuluThompson — September 13, 2007 @ 10:19 pm