January 28, 2013

Sneak Peek of Jersey Boys 2nd Natl Tour Four Seasons’ Interview in Wichita Eagle!

January 28th, 2013


The JERSEY BOYS second national tour heads to the Century II Concert Hall in Witchita this Wednesday through February 10! Bob Curtright has a terrific interview with the four actors who play The Four Seasons Brandon Andrus (Nick Massi), Colby Foytik (Tommy DeVito), Jason Kappus (Bob Gaudio), and Brad Weinstock (Frankie Valli). Check out a preview below:

Brad Weinstock: As far as doing justice to a real person’s legacy rather than interpreting a fictional character, Weinstock says it was intimidating – until, that is, he got a thumbs-up from Valli himself.

“He’s part of the creative and casting process for the show,” Weinstock says. “But because he’s still performing on the road himself at nearly 80, he’s not really involved day-to-day. But one day, he popped into rehearsal. I turned around and all of a sudden came face to face with him. I was intimated at first, but he’s really a nice man.”

Colby Foytik: “It’s sort of a ‘Behind the Music’ approach. People come for the music that they love but stay around for the story – and it’s a very compelling story,” says Foytik, a Southern California native who was also in the Las Vegas production before being chosen for this tour. “It’s a guys’ musical about brotherly love. I think that’s why it’s stayed so popular.”

Brandon Andrus: Andrus describes Massi as the mysterious one of the group.

“Nick was an enigma. If you asked 10 people what he was like, you’d get 10 different answers,” Andrus says. “He was the bass singer and bass guitarist. He had this amazing ability to hear harmonies. He could sing all the parts for the group. That’s how they learned their songs. But he never wrote anything down.”

Massi died of cancer at age 73 in 2000, so Andrus wasn’t able to meet him in person.

“In the show, I portray him as quiet. In real life, I understand he was a real charmer. … That’s the good part,” Andrus says. “But he was very honest that they were flawed guys. They weren’t saints. But he wasn’t judgmental. At one point, he says, ‘You sell $100 million in records and see how you handle it.’ ”
Jason Kappus: Because Gaudio is the main creator of “Jersey Boys,” Kappus says he was particularly nervous about his audition.

“Even though he is an incredible talent, Bob is easygoing, a real laid-back guy. He didn’t give me any personal notes about playing him. He was only concerned about capturing the distinctive Four Seasons sound,” Kappus says. “I was told that Bob wouldn’t be a problem. His wife, Judy, was the one I’d have to impress.”

Click HERE to read the entire interview.


  1. This company just finished its run in New Orleans yesterday and did a great job. I was particularly impressed by Jason. It was interesting seeing JB performed on a smaller stage, where some of the props were altered a bit as compared to other venues I’ve seen. The lighting was fantastic. This play will run forever. Watch out Phantom!

    Comment by Johnny Hornsby — January 28, 2013 @ 10:07 am

  2. I love the show . the whole cast is amazing. Such wonderful voices.This show will going on forever. Its amazing!

    Comment by Amanda Goheen — January 28, 2013 @ 1:49 pm

  3. Hi Suzie: Our fine city is spelled WICHITA. One T.

    Going to see it (9th time) tonight. Can’t wait.

    Comment by Mike Smith — February 1, 2013 @ 6:51 pm

  4. Mike, to quote Tommy in JB, I “need a little, you know, guidance” when it comes to my spelling! Thanks for catching that…

    Hope you had a blast tonight & would love a report. Any chance you’d like to be a “JBB Special Correspondent”? :)

    Comment by Susie — February 1, 2013 @ 10:20 pm

  5. Loved the show- as well as the characters. I haven’t stopped thinking about “Jersey Boys” (or stopped listening to anything titled “The Four Seasons”) since Sunday! It was great and by far my favorite play. Everyone did such an amazing job, and I hope to be seeing it again soon!

    Comment by Faith Varnado — February 3, 2013 @ 1:44 am

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